But it should.
Richard Gage, a California architect, is in St. John's, April 3, 2014, is holding a lecture at Memorial University where he will explain why we need to reopen the investigation on why and how the World Trade Center buildings collapsed. He is, along with many others, convinced that the official story is not only incomplete, but downright incompetent. He alleges that not only is NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) ignoring key pieces of evidence, that they are actively covering up the truth of what actually happened that day. Shall we have a look?
The video shows a remarkable spectacle: in only a few seconds (6.7 according to Gage), the building collapses without any good reason at free fall speeds. This is impossible they say, unless all supporting core columns were removed simultaneously.
I've been having a debate on Twitter on some of the specifics of the WTC 7 collapse. As expected, refusing to acknowledge my specific questions on the demolition theory as well as ignoring key pieces of evidence that specifically refute the possibility of explosives, did not sway my opponent's opinion. Here is a short excerpt from that debate:
Here is the trouble with debating a Truther. You present evidence, anything that might contradict their strong held beliefs, and it gets ignored. How are you supposed to have rational discourse about anything when your opponent is so blinded by their ideology?
Claim: Buildings can't fall at free fall speeds unless you use explosives to take away all the steel supports.
Claim: The building fell almost symmetrically into its own footprint, in less than 7 seconds.
Claim: Ground-zero dust samples show evidence of Thermite reactions having taken place.
The only thing that will answer these claims, say the Truthers, is a new fully independent investigation. Of course, what they don't care to mention to anyone is that such investigations have already taken place. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) published a report in their peer-reviewed journal titled, "What Did and Did not Cause Collapse of WTC Twin Towers in New York" in 2008. While this report does not directly talk about WTC 7, the Truthers are only using WTC 7 to get your attention so they can talk about WTC 1 and 2. Any guesses on what ASCE had to say?
... the alternative allegations of some kind of controlled demolition are shown to be totally out of range of the present mathematical model, even if the full range of parameter uncertainties is considered.These conclusions show the allegations of controlled demolition to be absurd and leave no doubt that the towers failed due to gravity-driven progressive collapse triggered by the effects of fire.
Do you think the above statement will carry any weight with a Truther? Of course not. This is just even more evidence that ASCE is a part of the cover up!
The above response was particularly funny. This is the kind of response you will get from a Truther who has no clear understanding of how scientific investigation works. I got that response from him multiple times after he failed to acknowledge any of the points I made countering his statements.
NIST prepared a 10000 page report detailing the collapse of WTC 1 and 2. They consulted with the designers and builders of the two buildings, the American Society of Civil Engineers, and well over 100 of the world's leading experts from both the private sector and from academia. They interviewed over 1000 people, reviewed tens of thousands of documents, and the final report on the destruction went through rigorous peer review.
NIST then spent 3 more years hypothesizing how WTC 7 collapsed. In their investigation, they noted that the South side of the building was extensively damaged which would have very much weakened the structural integrity of the building, but that it probably would have collapsed even without that damage. It turns out that the heat expansion of a key long-span floor Column started a chain reaction that could not be stopped. Heat expansion is of course the well known physical phenomon whereby metal expands as it gets hot, which allows us to open a stubborn metal lid when poured under hot water. In the case of WTC 7, NIST estimates that most pockets of fire in the building reached 300°C and caused Column # 79 to expand as much as 4.25 inches. This caused the bolts holding on to this column to get sheared off and become unseated from the rest of the steel structure. Combined with the loss of steel strength due to the extreme heat, this caused the collapse of a number of the bottom floors, none of which could be seen from the outside. Then the upper floors started the collapse while the stronger outer perimeter of the building continued to remain, until finally the load core of the building was gone and the sudden load redistribution brought down the rest of the building.
But why believe any of that when you can loop a video that shows a 7 second collapse?
Besides the official NIST investigation, the American Society of Civil Engineers, Protec Demolotion Services, Popular Mechanics, and more have completed their own peer-reviewed investigations of all the evidence. None of them have been able to find any physical evidence of explosives, and were in fact able to specifically rule out its possibility.
Not that it matters to any truther. They believe in explosives. So what ever they have to do to make that conclusion work is what they will do. Sure they will admit that explosives will probably pre detonate when exposed to fire, so obviously that means they were contained in some kind of fireproofing! And obviously explosives make loud booms when detonated, so clearly the government must have invented special new silent explosives or that new fangled fireproofing they put the explosives in has sound suppression technology too, whatever is easier to sell it to themselves.
I figure that this fight for truth will end at approximately the same time the Apollo Hoax crowd get their truth too.
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