Monday, October 31, 2011

Camera's are dead

It's all but official. Your standard point-n-shoot camera, the little Canon's, Kodak's, and Sony's of the world, has it's days numbered. And its a low number indeed. I once derided the notion of camera's in cell phones. The sensor too small, not enough megapixels, the lens too simple, all of these were reasons to shrug off the cell phone camera as too primitive to be useful.

Well not any more. The camera in the iPhone4S is downright magnificent. It's easy to use, it lets you upload straight to Facebook, or Twitter, or Flickr, or (gasp!) even e-mail! Your Canon PowerShot can't do that! Even if it could, it can't perceptibility beat the iPhone4S in image quality. Sure its only 8MP, and why would you need more than that to upload to Facebook? Hell, even to print to a 4x6 or 8x10, even 5MP is enough. About the only thing the iPhone lacks is a good zoom and better high-speed flash. But when you are downtown at the club and drunk-dancing with your bff, will you really care? Will it really matter to most people if the scene isn't fully and properly lit? Of course not. If it did, we'd all be toting SLR cameras. 

But we are not. Sure the SLR will be the mainstay of any serious pro or amateur photographer, to achieve that nice depth-of-field, High Dynamic Range, and telephoto effect. But why would would anyone bother carrying a second device with them now when their phone already does the job.

Yes, my little friend, your days are numbered. I'll miss you. 

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